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MOHAVE COUNTY – John Hansen, Mohave Community College English faculty, was recently published in various online platforms. He had poems published in “The Banyan Review,” “Drunk Monkeys” and “Wild Roof Journal.” Hansen also had an academic article published on “Norton Learning Blog.”
His article is about how he implemented certain strategies to make sure his students succeeded and wanted to share his experiences with other educators.
“I wanted to provide some of my observations and experiences with developmental English students by establishing open lines of communication and working with students when they are facing challenges in their lives can go a long way in providing them with an environment for success,” Hansen said.
Hansen said he hoped this article would help other educators by softening their approach to students and be willing to allow students the opportunity to submit a late assignment or extend a deadline in their time of need.
He had three poems published, Aspen Grove, Conclave and For the American Robin. Hansen’s first exposure and learning of poetry occurred during his undergraduate years of college.
“I was exposed to John Keats, Emily Dickinson, Hart Crane, Ann Sexton, Raymond Carver and Sharon Olds, to name a few,” he said. “However, I only seriously began writing poetry about two years ago.”
He added his favorite thing about poetry would have to be the writing process because it allows him to reflect on an experience and then recreate that creative experience for others.
Hansen has appeared or is forthcoming in The Summerset Review, One Sentence Poems, The Dillydoun Review, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Eunoia Review, Litro Magazine, Wild Roof Journal, The Banyan Review, Drunk Monkeys, and elsewhere. He has presented on a variety of topics at The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD), The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC—Regional), The American Comparative Literature Association, The Midwest Conference on British Studies and others.