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It is with great sadness; we announce the passing of Dan Messersmith. Dan served Mohave Community College from 1978 until 2007 in multiple roles including Director of Financial Aid, Director of Institutional Research, Regional Administrator for the Arizona Strip programs, Campus Dean, Dean of Student Services and Assistant to the President for College Advancement. During his tenure at MCC, Dan was also active with the Elderhostel program and regularly served as an adjunct. In his free time, Dan was an incredible history buff who wrote MCC’s 20th anniversary book as well as a book of Mohave County history (you can still find it on Amazon) and volunteered at the Mohave County Museum of History and Arts and in the Rotary organization. Dan was recently recognized for lifetime achievements with an Andy Award.
Dan Messersmith was vital to the foundation of Mohave Community College, providing the hard work and vision that made it possible for MCC to be the institution of higher education that it is today. He was a dedicated and enthusiastic leader and an all-around good guy, who will be missed by this community. Please join us in sending wishes of deepest sympathy to his family, friends and loved ones.
Thank you, Dan Messersmith, for your hard work and tireless commitment to MCC Foundation. He will be greatly missed.